LeCube concept
Rooftop customization in Berlin Neukölln.
Photos : Aya Schamoni
Cuisine Berlinoise, sauce Neukölln
Once a typical apartment renovated in the 90s, fragmented and banal. Tasteless. LeCube replaces the culinary delight at the heart of well-being. Recipe:
– Season the space by opening new associations.
– Give the daily basic ingredients more room.
– Butter beforehand to sprinkle cement tiles.
– Stuff the woody envelope with a chocolate heart. Surprise effect guaranteed.
– Grate the zest of bricks for a rustic touch.
– Put aside an additional portion for a happy guest or event.
– Dessert, spoon the bathroom with a delicate sauce.
DoYouSpace transformed the concepts of starred chef Aude Soulain into accessible reality. Chapeau to the cooks who with their saws and trowels were able to give shape to ideas.

LeCube open

Rooftop entrance with LeCube
client : private, Berlin Neukölln.
planning : Aude Soulain, Paris.
site management : DoYouSpace, Berlin Friedrichshain.
KüBox wood joiner : Florian Glässel, Berlin Kreuzberg.
mason : Mario Padobrin, Berlin Neukölln.
bathroom and Béton Ciré : Sven Kunze, Berlin Friedrichshain.
painter : Islam Öztürk, Berlin Neukölln.
parquet : Krupper & Schäfer, Berlin Neukölln.
sanitary installation : Pinguin, Berlin Friedrichshain.
electrical installation : Henry Reiher, Berlin Friedrichshain.
area : 75 m².
budget : 750 €/m².
completed : 2014.
featured on Architizer.
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